Blue Bear Films Wins Best Shorts Competition

Washington, DC, January 27, 2012 –

Maggie Burnette Stogner, of Blue Bear Films, has won a prestigious Award of Excellence for the Best Shorts Competition.  The award was given for Maggie Burnette Stogner’s exciting Special Program, Indiana Jones and the Adventure of Archaeology Exhibition.

Maggie Burnette Stogner commented that “It’s not every day you get a chance to work with Harrison Ford, and the remarkably gifted people at LucasFilm and National Geographic on a brand new Indiana Jones project. The documentary films we produced, which appear within this new traveling exhibition, meld the fantasy of those inspiring Indiana Jones movies with the exciting world of real life archaeology. Visitors to museums today are no longer interested in viewing isolated artifacts, identified by small object labels in musty rooms. They seek, instead, immersive and highly interactive experiences. The Indiana Jones exhibition is dynamic and experiential, and through its incorporation of multimedia technology, delivers dramatic and compelling storytelling.”

The Best Shorts Competition recognizes film professionals who demonstrate exceptional achievement in craft and creativity, and those who produce standout entertainment or contribute to profound social change. Entries are judged by highly qualified professionals in the film industry. Information about the Best Shorts Competition and list of recent winners can be found at

In winning Best Shorts laurels, Blue Bear Films joins the ranks of other high-profile winner of this internationally respected award. Thomas Baker, Ph.D., who chairs the Best Shorts Competition, had this to say about the latest winners, “Best Shorts laurels are not easy to win. Entries are received from around the world. The Best Shorts Competition helps set the standard for craft and creativity. The judges were pleased with the exceptionally high quality of entries. The goal of the Best Shorts Competition  is to help winners achieve the recognition they deserve.”

For a complete list of the 2011 winners please go to: