Blue Bear Films working on new Hokusai Films for the Freer Sackler Galleries

Blue Bear Films produces a new series for the Smithsonian’s Freer-Sackler Galleries on their extraordinary collection of Japanese artwork. The first film of the series features New Yorker cartoonist Ed Koren and his perspective on famed Japanese artist Hokusai. For more information on the Hokusai collection, click here.

Maggie Burnette Stogner of Blue Bear Films filmed Ed Koren at the Freer-Sackler Galleries:

Ed Koren & Maggie Burnette Stogner at the Freer/Sackler Galleries

Ed Koren & Maggie Burnette Stogner at the Freer/Sackler Galleries

Ed Koren at Freer/Sackler Galleries

Ed Koren at Freer/Sackler Galleries