Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah, from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship

Real Pirates: The Untold Story of the Whydah, from Slave Ship to Pirate Ship exhibition reveals the story of a 1715 ship that wrecked off the coast of Cape Cod with the loot of over 50 other ships on board, providing an extraordinary time capsule. The films were produced, written and directed by Professor Maggie Burnette Stogner, along with other multimedia and interactive material. Professor Gary Griffin shoot footage of the ship’s slave history in Ouidah, Africa with a local historian. Professor Russell Williams consulted on the soundscapes. AU students assisted with the film production as well as the recordings of sound effects. This exhibition launched in 2007 at the Museum Center in Cincinnati and has traveled throughout the U.S. to The Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, The Field Museum in Chicago, Nauticus Maritime Museum in Norfolk, The St. Louis Science Center, The Houston Museum of Natural Science, The Denver Museum of Nature & Science, and The Arizona Science Center. It will be at the National Geographic Museum until Sept. 2nd.

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