Blue Bear Films Praised for The Greeks

The media has been all a-flutter about the new exhibition, The Greeks: Agamemnon to Alexander the Great!

Huffington Post writer, Justine Frangouli-Argyris, described the show as “an unprecedented exhibition in North America.” (read the full article) The Chicago Tribune spoke with Bill Parkinson, one of the curators of the exhibition, who said “I can’t emphasize how big this show is,” he said. “Most traveling shows have 100, certainly fewer than 200, objects in them. Here we’re dealing with 570. It’s a massive, massive show.” (Link)

High praise has also been heaped on Blue Bear Films.  One article specifically discusses the films and media prepared by Blue Bear Films’ Maggie Stogner for the exhibition:

The National Geographic Museum hired Maggie Stogner, an award-winning American filmmaker who has worked on numerous high-profile museum exhibits, to provide the exhibition’s audio-visual elements. “I think it’s going to be one of the highlights of the show,” Clark says.

For the full transcript of the article, see the article in the Ottawa Citizen (Here).
